
How To Keep Rabbits Away

Bunnies may look cute, but that doesn't hateful you want them munching on your garden. Here's how to keep them away.

No matter how soft-hearted you are, you lot probably don't desire rabbits nibbling on your plants, even if those bunnies look ambrosial hopping through your garden. It can take a trivial patience and persistence to find what works best to keep rabbits out of your garden and prevent them from eating your plants. What seems to work for i gardener may be completely ineffective for another. For instance, your neighbor may swear by planting a few marigolds around the perimeter of a raised bed vegetable garden, just the bunnies happily munch on your marigolds and all the plants around them. Whether your long-eared visitors are cottontails or jackrabbits, your best options are to debate them out, stink them out, or try scaring them away.

bunny eating grass near daisy

How to Go along Rabbits Out of Your Garden with Fencing

The most reliable way to protect your vegetable garden from rabbits is with fencing. Putting up a contend takes some time and endeavor, only once information technology'southward done y'all accept a permanent barrier and you won't have to run effectually spraying repellants after each rain. Rabbits hop simply they don't jump very loftier, and so a 2-foot fence tin can keep them out. Wire fencing with openings of 1 inch or smaller is all-time, such equally craven wire ($36, The Home Depot) or rabbit wire ($37, The Home Depot). Back up the fencing with sturdy stakes, secure the bottom to the ground with landscape pins ($5, Walmart) and then rabbits can jerk their way under. More than determined rabbits may try to dig under the argue, and so information technology'south a good idea to bury the lowest 2-3 inches of fencing underground.

Alternatively, if y'all just have a few plants that rabbits consistently nibble to nubs, encircle individual plants with a chicken wire muzzle pinned deeply to the ground. This may exist peculiarly important while plants are immature or are putting out a lot of fresh new growth in spring. You can also try growing plants you know rabbits love, such as tender lettuces, in hanging baskets or tall containers to keep them out of reach.

The All-time Rabbit Repellents

Where a fence is not practical or possible, your adjacent best bet for stopping rabbits from eating your plants is to offend their sense of scent. Rabbits volition turn up their twitchy noses at a garden repellent ($17, The Home Depot) that incorporate rotten eggs or garlic. (Bonus: These odors also help repel deer and are safe to utilize around pets and children.) Wear waterproof gloves while you're spraying so you don't terminate upwards smelling awful, too. You'll demand to reapply the production after each rain. If you use repellent sprays on your vegetables, be sure the product is 1 of those approved for edible plants.

How to Frighten Rabbits Abroad

Chasing after a rabbit with a rake didn't work well for Mr. McGregor in the story of Peter Rabbit, and information technology probably won't for you either. Scare techniques are temporary fixes at best, considering the rabbits will soon figure out that no actual harm comes to them. Motion sensor lights or water sprays, air horn sounds, flashing CDs hanging from branches, or sparkly streamers moving in the breeze may all help a little at first, but information technology won't be long before your resident bunnies volition simply ignore them. The 1 exception is having dogs that volition enthusiastically chase any rabbit that dares to prepare a furry picayune toe in your one thousand. Otherwise, you're ameliorate off spending your efforts on fencing and repellents.


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