
How To Keep A Dog From Coughing

yorkie with a collapsed trachea wearing a red collar on a walk

yorkie with a collapsed trachea wearing a ruby-red neckband on a walk

JPecha / Getty

Collapsed trachea in dogs is a status that sounds dire, like you need to rush to the animate being hospital and your pet might not brand it to the next day. But in truth, many dogs live a good life with a collapsed trachea (windpipe) for years. Only at its well-nigh severe stage is the condition life-threatening.

Although at that place's no cure, a collapsed trachea tin be managed with medication, lifestyle adjustments and sometimes surgery. Read on to acquire what you tin can do to help your pooch feel better.

What Is a Collapsed Trachea?

The trachea is a flexible tube with rings of cartilage running down the length of it to give it structure and keep it open, like to a vacuum hose. Tracheal collapse occurs when some of the cartilage weakens and the tube flattens from the pressure of your dog taking a breath in. This narrows the airway, making it difficult for your pup to breathe normally, and it leads to bouts of cough, says Joao Felipe De Brito Galvao, MV, MS, board-certified in minor beast internal medicine at VCA Arboretum View Animal Hospital in Downers Grove, Illinois.

What Causes Complanate Trachea in Dogs?

While no one knows exactly what causes a dog to develop a collapsed trachea, there does seem to be a genetic cistron—some breeds are more than prone to the condition, including:

  • Chihuahuas

  • Lhasa apsos

  • Pomeranians

  • Shih tzus

  • Toy poodles

  • Yorkshire terriers

It's possible for whatever dog at whatever historic period to develop a collapsed trachea. But it's more common amid pocket-size breeds that are middle-aged or older.

Signs and Symptoms of Collapsed Trachea in Dogs

The superlative sign of a collapsed trachea is a dry coughing that sounds like a honking goose. Other symptoms include:

  • Wheezing on inhalation

  • Coughing when excited, picked upwards, or pulled by the collar

  • Cough during practise

  • Difficulty animate

  • Fainting

Handling for Collapsed Trachea in Dogs

There are multiple treatment options for dogs with collapsed trachea. Typically, the condition is managed with medication, which works for upwardly to seventy percent of dogs, according to the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Only because complanate trachea is a chronic, progressive affliction, eventually your canis familiaris may also need surgery to keep the trachea open.

Cough Suppressants

Dogs with collapsed trachea are caught in a roughshod cycle of coughing: The condition triggers it, and coughing worsens an already irritated trachea. That leads to, you guessed it, even more coughing.

Veterinarians commonly use cough suppressants and sedatives like hydrocodone to limit coughing. The sedative besides prevents pets from getting stressed or excited, which may prepare off some other round of cough, says Galvao.

Other Medications

In addition to cough suppressants, veterinarians may prescribe steroids like prednisone to reduce inflammation in the airways. Antibiotics such every bit doxycycline may also be useful for treating airway infection which could worsen respiratory affliction, Galvao explains.


Surgery becomes necessary when collapsed trachea makes it extremely difficult for dogs to breathe. In that location are 2 types of procedures bachelor for collapsed trachea in dogs.

The first is a traditional surgery that works all-time for trachea collapse in the neck area. It involves placing plastic rings outside the trachea to support the softening cartilage. The surgery has a 75 percent success rate. "But this procedure requires an incision and is associated with complications," Galvao reports.

Some other selection is a minimally invasive procedure that places a stent (a hollow, metallic-mesh tube) inside the trachea to prop it open. Information technology's washed without having to brand an incision—the veterinary surgeon goes into the rima oris to reach the tracheal opening and is guided by continuous Ten-ray images on where to place the stent. This procedure works on dogs with collapsed trachea in the neck or chest. Later, nigh 90 percent of dogs show improvement.

"But symptoms don't go away completely," Galvao cautions. "The stent itself tin can cause some degree of irritation within the trachea, so coughing may continue. But the stent volition prevent a collapsed trachea from condign life-threatening."

Following either procedure, nearly dogs remain on medication to manage the condition for the balance of their lives.

Dwelling house Remedies

Besides following your veterinary'southward recommendations, there are plenty of things you tin exercise at dwelling house to help your domestic dog with collapsed trachea feel better. And they all involve reducing your dog's coughing fits.

For starters, keeping your dog at a healthy weight can make a large difference. That'south because backlog weight makes complanate trachea symptoms more severe. Likewise, avoid using neck leads, which puts pressure on the trachea. Instead, use a body harness for lite daily walks and do them when temperatures exterior are comfortable—hot atmospheric condition and excessive exercise cause dogs to pant, which tin lead to a cough flare-up.

At habitation, encourage your pooch to be at-home and tranquillity and avert situations you know get your pup all worked upward. A fume-free environment can be a big help also since secondhand fume irritates airways.

Despite your best efforts to limit coughing, your furry friend may still have bouts of information technology. Apply the coughing suppressant your veterinarian prescribed equally directed. Ran out? In a pinch, you could endeavor dear. It's a natural cough reliever for people and may soothe your dog'southward throat too. Dissolve it in your canis familiaris'south h2o bowl in the amount of one teaspoon for every 20 pounds. You can practise this up to three times a day.

"In full general, love is a safe home remedy to administer to dogs," says Alena Abens, DVM, medical director for VCA Chicago North Beast Infirmary. "If y'all're not finding it to be effective though, you should contact your veterinarian."

How Long Can a Dog Live With a Collapsed Trachea?

There's no exact life expectancy for dogs with collapsed trachea, Galvao says. "It varies widely based on the extent of trachea plummet, the demeanor of the pet, and how it progresses over time. Simply a tracheal stent may significantly prolong the pet's life by keeping the trachea open and preventing respiratory arrest."

The bottom line: Tracheal collapse is a manageable status. Most dogs can alive a relatively normal life after diagnosis, which means you and your iv-legged friend are spring to have lots of lovable moments however ahead.

How To Keep A Dog From Coughing,


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