
How To Keep Right Shoulder Back During Downswing

1 of the things I've noticed about apprentice golfers is that a lot of them struggle to gain distance.

Many people also try to use their arms to generate club head speed and distance. The assumption is that distance comes from swinging the artillery harder and faster. The arms tend to exist the dominant body part that creates power in other sports, and so why wouldn't that be any different in golf?

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, golf is very different than other sports. Fifty-fifty a baseball swing, which appears very similar is a very different move than the golf game swing.

While information technology is partially true that the swinging of the artillery create club head speed, which result in distance, how it's achieved is misunderstood.

A large role of this comes down to the rotation of the body and the shoulders are an indicator of skillful rotation. Non just that, but shoulder rotation can help keep a club on plane likewise.

What is Shoulder Turn in the Golf game Swing?

In this commodity, nosotros'll exist talking about:

  • The rotation, or turn of the shoulders
  • The tilt of the shoulders

Both are important parts of the pivot in the golf game swing.

The rotation of the shoulders, or shoulder turn, is the movement of the shoulders and upper body throughout the unabridged golf swing sequence. There are three parts to the shoulder turn in a good golf swing.

Shoulder Plough and Tilt in the Backswing

In the backswing, your shoulders ought to plow 90 degrees away from the ball and away from the target.

So, your chest will, pretty much be facing straight abroad from your target. If you were to draw a line across your shoulders, that line would be perpendicular to your target line.

In the backswing, the shoulder tilt ought to be noticeable. Nosotros could arrive to exact numbers, just that doesn't aid much to tell you that the boilerplate pro golfer has a shoulder tilt of about 35 degrees.

What yous demand to know as a player in the backswing is that the front shoulder ought to exist lower than the back shoulder.

This gives you an angle pointing downwards towards the ball. It allows you to approach the shot from a steeper angle and get the brawl in the air.

Shoulder Turn in the Downswing

The side by side part of the shoulder turn is in the downswing. In the downwards swing, the shoulders return to the accost position. This means that the shoulder line is, once once more, parallel to the target line and the chest is facing directly at the ball.

This will allow you to square upward the face and hit a relatively directly golf game shot.

  • If y'all render to this position too early on, you lot tin leave the club confront open too much.
  • On the other hand, if you do it too late it can close down the face at affect.

The tilt of your swing in the downswing, and more than specifically at bear upon, is moving towards level. Ideally, at impact, you lot want both of your shoulders to be on the aforementioned plane. This means that through the downswing, the back shoulder has to drop back downwards to become fifty-fifty with the front shoulder.

Shoulder Turn in the Follow Through

The terminal part of the shoulder turn is the follow-through.

In the follow-through, or finish, the shoulder turn continues on, so that the chest faces the target and the shoulder line is, again, perpendicular to the target line. This volition get yous in to a position where you are facing the target and tin can watch the shot fly towards your intended target. Doing this likewise chop-chop oft results in a pull and doing it too late can consequence in a pushed shot.

Finally, the tilt of the shoulders after impact, in the follow-through, should exist the contrary of the backswing. This means that the back shoulder is now the lower shoulder. This allows the shoulders to turn through properly.

The stop position is where the shoulders will fully return to a level position, where they are both on the same plane.

Why Shoulder Turn is necessary in Golf?

There are a couple big reasons why a shoulder turn is necessary in the golf swing. Like I mentioned earlier, information technology helps golfers proceeds distance.

The reason distance is a result of a skillful shoulder plow is because it's maximizing the corporeality of torque you create.

Torque results in speed and translates to distance, and we all want more than distance.

Not only does it assistance with distance, it also always a thespian to hit the ball with the proper angle of approach and path. Our bodies are made to move in a very specific way.

If nosotros don't allow the body to rotate the shoulders, nosotros're basically fighting against our own trunk and how it wants to move. That results in incorrect angle of approach, the club face'southward move into the brawl, and path, the management the social club swings. Allowing both of those to naturally swing together will outcome in a better, straighter, longer shot.

Finally, shoulder turn is extremely important for accuracy.

In my opinion, the direction of a shot is significantly more of import than its distance. It really doesn't matter if a shot travels 350 yards, if information technology's also 100 yards off-line, you'll struggle. If you hit a shot only 100 yards, only it stays in the eye of the fairway though, y'all'll take a 2nd shot that is much easier and tin can score.

Shoulder Turn in Golf Swing

How to Properly turn your Shoulders in the Golf Swing

So, how is the proper turn executed?

Offset, we'll focus on the backswing:

  • The easiest mode to make the proper shoulder plough is to but focus on your dorsum shoulder (right shoulder for a right-handed thespian) and move it towards your back; dropping information technology straight back backside your head.
  • This will force your front shoulder to plow with it, so that they take moved ninety degrees together in the correct direction.
  • In this position, your sternum will face backwards, abroad from the target.

Making sure the tilt is right in the backswing is fairly simple.

  • Focus on pointing your front shoulder straight at the ball by the time you lot become to the superlative of the backswing.
  • If y'all can do that, since the brawl is low on the footing, your dorsum shoulder will naturally rise in the air a bit.

Adjacent, let'southward talk about the downswing.

In the downswing, the verbal reverse happens, yous want that same back shoulder to motion forward, towards the ball again. This plow will await exactly like the accost position, so it's easy to check that.

It'due south tricky when doing a full swing though, considering you don't desire to start the follow-through turn until later touch. Your shoulders should be parallel to your target line at impact, no before or later on.

During the downswing, your shoulder tilt will practise the exact opposite:

  • You lot desire to brainstorm the process of pointing your back shoulder directly at the brawl on the ground. You lot won't fully get there before impact, but it's the idea that counts in this situation.
  • Equally long as your back shoulder is moving towards the ball, y'all should have the proper shoulder tilt in place.

Finally, here's how you make sure the follow-through plow is correct.

Once touch has occurred, you lot can focus on your back shoulder, again, following the brawl towards the target.

Imagine that, afterwards impact, a string is tied between your shoulder and the ball. (Be careful non to use this imagery before impact though because information technology doesn't piece of work.)

  • Once the brawl leaves its resting position, the ball pulls your back shoulder forward towards the target.
  • This will forcefulness your other shoulder and chest to plough the correct manner.

In order to maintain the proper shoulder tilt in this part of your golf swing, you'll want to focus on the dorsum shoulder again:

  • Making certain that shoulder continues down and through the touch on zone will be crucial. This is sort of a continuation of the downswing tilt.
  • After impact, your dorsum shoulder will somewhen point towards the location the ball used to be in and continue on towards the target.

The of import thing here is keeping the dorsum shoulder lower to the ground than the front until the shot is fully consummate and you are in your balanced finish position.

Shoulder Plow Drills

The shoulder rotation and tilt are both things that are difficult to measure. Like I said to a higher place, we could give you all sorts of numbers and statistics ane the perfect bending that is needed, but unless yous're really putting yourself on video, measuring it every shot, and have unlimited gratis time to practice, it'due south probably not going to help. Instead, getting the main concepts and position through drills will be more helpful.

Here are a couple great drills to assist yous get the all-time shoulder rotation and tilt.

Drill 1: Society Across Chest

For this first drill, all you need is a golf club. You tin even practice this one indoors if needed.

  1. Lay the club across your chest and fold your artillery to brand sure it stays in place. The golf club shaft ought to depict a line betwixt your shoulders.
  2. And then, have some practice swings without your artillery, just with the torso rotation.
  3. Focus on pointing the finish of the club closest to your forepart shoulder down towards the ball in the backswing.
  4. Then, the reverse for the downswing and follow-through; betoken the other end of the club towards the ball.

This helps to magnify your shoulder line and which shoulder is lower at different points in your golf swing.

Drill 2: Shoulder Stretches

This adjacent drill is both a drill and a stretch. In the game of golf game, flexibility is merely about every bit important, if not more, than strength. Shoulder rotation and tilt is fabricated much easier by flexibility in those areas of the body.

  1. Stand side by side to a wall, with the outside of one foot rested correct up against the wall.
  2. Then, turn towards the wall with your arms folded across your chest.
  3. Flip and do this with your other pes and shoulder.

What you're doing here is simulating the feeling of turning your shoulders ninety degrees in both directions. It makes it easier to notice if you lot're getting all the way to the correct position or not.

If you aren't able to get turned the whole way, simply reach out your arms and leverage the wall to plough your torso and feel a stretch in your upper trunk muscles.

Drill 3: Video drill

For this drill, all you lot need is someone to video your golf game swing from a down-the-line perspective.

  1. Have them stand up behind you and hit a few full golf shots on the driving range.
  2. Then, await at the video and draw a line downwards your shoulders at the superlative of your backswing and another line at the mirror epitome location in the follow-through.
  3. Both should have ane shoulder lower than the other.
  4. Take a await at affect likewise.

From that angle of video, i shoulder should cover the other up, only yous should exist able to notice if they are level or not.

The Lesser Line

The shoulder rotation and tilt in the golf game swing is an often-ignored part of the swing.

The important thing to remember is that both sides of the golf swing are basically mirror-images, with one shoulder lower than the other.

They are as well turned 90 degrees away from the original starting position of the ball. If yous can exercise those things in your golf swing, you'll be in good shape to hitting longer and straighter shots in no time at all.

For more than on the fundamentals of a solid golf swing, go to this article next.


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